The railway line has a total length of 152.907 km
The supervision for construction will be carried out under the guidelines of the FIDIC Red Book, first edition 1999, for Çerkezköy-Kapıkule Railway Line with a total length of 152.907 km. Consulting services for pre-construction activities were for the period of May 2019 to July 2019 (2 months), the field supervision of the construction facilities for the period July 2019 to July 2024 (48 months) with a one year Defect Liability Period ending with a 2 months final payment and closure procedure from July to September 2024.
Activities performed:
- Achievement of full supervision on implementation of the project by the Contractor in a timely manner and within the allocated budget and in full compliance with the Technical Specifications and standards, approved design, terms and conditions of the Works Contract.
- Review and approval of the design for any components of the Works for which the Works Contractor has been assigned responsibility, and all Works Contractor’s Documents.
- Completion of the construction by safeguarding the quality of construction and overseeing the safety of the works.
- Administration of all aspects of the contract in force between the Contracting Authority and the Works Contractor.
- Completion of designs for Babaeski and Lüleburgaz Station Buildings.
- Completion of design for Kapıkule Station and track design from Kapıkule Station to the Bulgarian border (including infrastructure, superstructure, signalization, electrification etc.).
- Successfully taking over of the works under the Works Contract.