In recent years, EPTISA has made a firm commitment to promoting the recovery of public space and sustainable mobility.
Aware of the fundamental role played by new graduates, EPTISA has once again awarded the “EPTISA Mobility 2023 Award” to the best final degree/master’s project of the ETS de Ingeniería de Caminos Canales y Puertos de A Coruña, with the aim of fervently encouraging students to embark on projects that address this relevant and exciting topic.
Congratulations to the winner of this edition, Alberto Franco Figueira for the project entitled “Estación de cercanías en San Diego e remodelación da terminal de mercancías”.
Without a doubt, EPTISA’s commitment to promoting innovative and sustainable solutions in the field of mobility encourages us to back and support those who wish to explore, design and develop initiatives that promote a cleaner and more efficient future in transport.